Global Organizations Department

Global Organizations Department

Director of the Organizations Department


Follow up on general developments in foreign trade and supervise the modernization of local laws and legislations in line with agreements, participate in external meetings, and act as a link with international organizations.


Commercial Organizations Supervision

Following up on the renewal of Kuwait’s financial contributions in commercial organizations, following up on studies and reports issued by organizations, and supervising the follow-up and implementation of trade agreements in international organizations (UNCTAD - ESCWA - Islamic Development Bank - Islamic Center for Commercial Development - Group of 77 and China - Organization of the Islamic Conference and its branches).

 Global Organizations Supervision

Follow up the implementation and terms of the WTO agreement, participate in meetings and negotiations, follow up on the work of local committees, coordinate with government agencies regarding them, and coordinate with the attaches regarding the reports issued by the WTO.


Department of Intellectual Property

Follow up the implementation of the intellectual property rights agreement and all laws and procedures, coordinate with the commercial transactions administration, and follow up notifications received from the World Trade Organization to participate in external meetings.

Commodity Trade Department

Follow-up and implementation of agreements related to commodity commitments, provide members of the Committee for Follow-up of Agreements in the World Trade Organization, and express a common opinion in the areas of support and implementation of the customs valuation agreement, certificate of origin, prevention and measures agreement.


Services Trade Department

Follow up, study and coordinate all local laws, services and procedures, and coordinate with government agencies with regard to preparing notifications for insurance laws, banking services and commercial licenses.

 Commercial Organizations Department

Following up and coordinating the work of commercial organizations, including (the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD, the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, ESCWA, the General Organization for Intellectual Property, the Group of 77), as well as preparing and motivating to participate in international meetings of the World Trade Organization.


Organizational Chart